This little safari adventure that Laura and I went on was such an eye opener to how much of an advantage us Americans have over much of the world. The local butcher shop in the Dominican was simply a dirt floor hut with slabs of meat hanging from hooks. No walls, no gloves for the butcher.. And did I mention dirt floors? The gas station was nothing more than a stand on the side of the road advertising a milk jug filled with gas. The children were running around and chasing our tour vehicle without shoes to protect their little feet. And you better hope you don't get hurt or sick because the boarded up shack, which the Dominicans refer to as their hospital, is only open four days out of the week.
After our guide led us through the small towns and villages, we stopped and visited with a loving rural family. And this is where the picture was taken. Seven people lived in their two bedroom home. And the family bathroom was actually the outhouse in the backyard.
I love to witness others praising God. It truly does help me live as a better man. Especially when the praising is done in cirumstances where we could easily be stressed and upset. Many Americans would not even think of buying a home with less than two bathrooms. And here this family deals with an outhouse that dispences the remains in the backyard.
I don't know...I guess I'm trying to say that we should give thanks for what we have in any situation. After all, the Lord tells us he will never put anything in front of us that we can't handle.
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