To make a long story short, Wallace finally blew a gasket and took charge to lead a rebellion. Because he was skilled in the arts of war and military tactics, Sir William was able to feed his drive for killing the English and grant Scotland sovereignty over their own nation.
Watching this movie inspires me. No, I don't want to lead a rebellion against the U.S. Government! They have more guns than me. The story of William Wallace is just so unique. He rose up to defy all odds. Even most of his own people didn't have an ounce of faith in what he could do. But he accomplished what he set out to do. Sir William broke the chains of captivity and ripped apart the English vise.
There is a huge part of me who want to be like William Wallace. Defy odds, accomplish goals, break habits, travel the world, and escape any vise I might have. Of course seeing the world really isn't in the same ballpark as invading England and winning freedom, but its something I want to do.
I guess I'm just tired of being a talker instead of a doer. I talk about how much money I want to give for Gods glory, but then I start thinking of my monetary situation and back out to some degree. I constantly tell others of how reading in Gods word is so crucial for growth in Christ, but I guess sometimes I dont' really digest all that is given to me.
Proverbs 16:3: Trust in the Lord, and whatever your plans, they will succeed.
I love reading the word of God, and I know he will take care of me and my family in every way. So why can't I let a little bit of greed go? There is where the William Wallace factor comes in. Just like Sir William broke the jaws of English tyranny, I want to collapse my greedy vise.
JUST DO IT! (if you ever do decided to lead a revolution I'll let you borrow my Brave Heart Sword)
ReplyDeleteps. Did you know that William Walace was Hanged Drawn and Quartered?