Backpacking for a weekend has never let me down. Especially when everything goes according to plan, and you and your brother get to experience a solitude weekend of bonding in the wilderness. This trip to the Red River Gorge was more meaningful and special than previous hikes I have been on in the past. Not because the Gorge is more exciting than Dolly Sods and other various wilderness areas in West Virginia. We certainly didn't have gourmet food to munch on this weekend. This trip was really awesome because it was Joe's first time backpacking and it also gave us a chance for a true brotherly bond.
Work by day consisted of exploring, gathering trees, chopping wood, skipping stones, fishing, playing in the creek (some may say "crick", but not me,) and taking a dump. There is nothing like pooping in the woods. A small afternoon nap was kind of nice too. Play by night was enjoyable under the direct supervision Jack. He is a tough guy!!! Burning the tree's, branches, and logs we gathered was a blast. At one point, the flames from the fire were as tall as me and wide as my wingspan. What a blast! Topics of conversation that came up frequently where Iraq, family, work, the awesome fire we built, and sports.
I can't wait to get out there again.
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