Tuesday, March 31, 2009


The paparazzi has struck again. Since Hank has had this lamp shade on his head, I have been waiting for the perfect moment to get this shot. I actually would have had a better angle, but I went to take another action photo and my batteries didn't hold up. What are the chances? I finally get this opportunity and my batteries die! I guess I should have went with the copper top instead of saving 49 cents.
So why does my poor little guy have this alien thing on his head any way? A couple of weeks ago Hank and I were helping my friend Ryan clear his yard of branches, brush, and an old shed. Ryan rented a wood chipper and we were just going at it. FYI...where safety goggles when using one of those things, especially when it is windy. Well, Hank was running around with Ryan's two dogs, Harlan and Saul, and managed to find broken glass. From there he had stitches...Then he ate them out...Got stitched up again, for FREE, and managed to eat those out as well.
Sort of off topic... But..I don't know if its the little kid inside of me, but I always wonder what dogs think when their owners pick up their poop. Its a shame that dogs don't have the ability to laugh, because then I think I might know what is going on in their little heads.
Maybe I am just weird.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I still have dreams of being able to make a bomb out of a paper clip and a hang glider from a torn fishing net. Just give me a little duct tape, chewing gum, and my pocket knife. I love life... Family, friends, nature, golf, ice cream, chipotle, and MacGyver. I have recently discovered a website where I can watch any MacGyver episode there is. Life just got better. 45 minutes of commercial free non-stop action with Mac's buddy Pete Thorton and his trust sidekick Jack Dalton. It even gets interesting when Mac's arch nemesis Murdock throws a wrench into the situation.
If I had to make a decision of which three TV shows I had to watch for the rest of my life, they would be Jeopardy, Seinfeld, and Macgyver. Really, I don't see any other options. These are the top three of all time.
As for movies...My favorite is Stand By Me. Such a classic. Four friends head out on an adventure that would remain with them for the rest of their lives.
What are your favorite shows and movies?

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Real American Hero

House sitting has brought me back to an extremely important part of my life. And that when I played with GI Joe's. I loved these little things (up until junior high even.) I can still remember throwing these action figures off my dresser as if they might be falling off a cliff. It was so much fun. The Cobra base, GI space ships, off road trucks, weapons, and so much more...
Jude (5 years old) and John (12 years old) are two of the cousins Laura and I are sitting for until Monday. And I can't wait till we have a chance to set some forts and have the GI's storm the Cobra base.
Am I easily amused or what? What are some things you played with until a late age?

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Quick Fix Part 2

Like I said. If you don't have this product, you life is going to be in black and white. Everything you do will turn into a disaster. And you will never be able to get rid of that Costanza wallet.
If you follow the Slim Clip orders, your life will be simplified and you will love yourself in a whole new way.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

410 Billion!!!!!

What the heck are earmarks?? Earmarks are non-competitive spending provisions a government official, including Governors, Representatives, or Senators, slip into legislation that forces the federal government to spend taxpayer dollars on the politician's project.
I know that every person has a portion of there brain specifically designated to make logical decisions. Lets just say some portions are larger than others. Take this stinkin $410 BILLION bill that Hussein is expected to sign. When people fall into debt, have no way off paying their bills, and struggle finding work...Does it make sense for them to open up new credit cards and max them out? Essentially, that is what is happening to us now. These earmark things..Hussein actually opposed them in all of his debates during his campaign. Hmmmm....I'm no Sherlock Holmes here, but I think what our president is doing completely contradicts what he said he was going to do.
If Obama proclaimed in his running that he would spend over a TRILLION dollars in his first 6 weeks in office, do you think he would have been elected? I don't know, maybe I am just naive. But it seems to me that the worst thing to do during this time is see if we can break the spending record.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Quick Fixes

Think about it...Just $8.99 a month and ten minutes a day, you could be ripped like this dude. We will even toss in his hair and sneakers for you too. He went from looking like John Candy to Arnold in less than a month.
I hate seeing "quick fix-it" type crap. If you don't know, I have been looking for a better job for some time now. One of the sites I have been religiously visiting is Career Builder. They do have good intentions, and bless their little hearts, but, are you serious! According to these guys, I can work from my home in my underwear and make $275,000 a year without having any background experience whatsoever. I think this one might even be worse than the bow flex.
Do you ever see these stupid commercials for weight loss pills? What the heck are these people thinking! Yeah..."Take this pill three time a day for a month. And if you don't lose 25 lbs, we will refund your money." Usually people relate losing weight to exercising, jogging, lifting weights, and eating healthy. It all pretty much boils down to being HEALTHY. I bet these pills that help you lose 25 lbs in one month without lifting a finger and eating pizza all day is really healthy??? They probably just raise your heart rate by 1000% and force you not too eat anything because you always feel like you just drank 3 pots of coffee.
You know the dude with the beard that does the Oxy Clean infomercials? Everybody knows who he is. Almost everything he advertises makes the alternative look as though only a brain surgeon could figure it out. You know what I mean... Take zip lock bags for example. If you buy these special, taste savoring bags from the bearded dude, life will be easy, enjoyable, and your make-up will be beautiful. But if you stick with what you have been using the past 5 years, your life will be in black and white, everything will get tangled, and you will never be able to accomplish anything! These are my favorite of the quick fixes.
I do love duct tape though.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


At the cross is where you called for me. You drew me gently to my knees. I was so lost in so many different directions. Now I am just lost in love, simply broken with a holy surrender...
-These are not the words of my own. I did alter them just a bit, but they belong to a Christian artist.
A Marine Corps standard is to never surrender under any circumstances. The military issue M16 rifle has a small compartment located in the butt stock. (The butt stock is the part that goes firmly into your shoulder.) This is where the cleaning gear and utensils are located. But many don't know that Marines keep more than just brushes and oil in this little kuby hole. Most Marines will Carry one extra round in this small compartment just big enough to fit maybe 4 toothbrushes. But what is this single round for?
Never surrender! If your in a cat fight, surrounded, and have no way out...keep fighting. Even up until your final round. And if you run out of ammunition while fending off the enemy, use that final round to take your life. Never let the enemy have it! Though all Marines do not follow this tradition, every Marine holds a strong value of never surrendering.
Well, don't live your life in a Marine sense of mind. At least not in the "no surrender" mode. Christ happily accepted a brutal murder simply just to have a relationship with us. And to do so, we need to surrender our ways of life and live according to his will. This does not mean living a perfect life and never doing something stupid. That's impossible! If you haven't experienced it, surrendering to Christ feels so good. It's almost as if you have been released of something..Weight taken off your shoulders, burdens dropped, insecurities let go, and promises made.
Surrender you life. We have already been forgiven. Christ is standing at the door of you heart just waiting for a relationship. Talk to him. Invite the Lord in for a conversation. I have problems in my life, so does the most righteous pastor in the world. But we all need forgiveness.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Remember When

These clips reminded me of my brother Joe when we were kids and we would ride bikes together.

About Me

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Who am I? What do I enjoy doing? And what stage of my life am I in? I don't have an answer to these questions. My goal is for you construct your own opinion of who you think I am through your own observations. Another intention of mine is to reach out to others and help them do something that is difficult. Look at their life and make an assessment. Do we like what we see? Have I made a difference in another persons life? And so on....