What the heck are earmarks?? Earmarks are non-competitive spending provisions a government official, including Governors, Representatives, or Senators, slip into legislation that forces the federal government to spend taxpayer dollars on the politician's project.
I know that every person has a portion of there brain specifically designated to make logical decisions. Lets just say some portions are larger than others. Take this stinkin $410 BILLION bill that Hussein is expected to sign. When people fall into debt, have no way off paying their bills, and struggle finding work...Does it make sense for them to open up new credit cards and max them out? Essentially, that is what is happening to us now. These earmark things..Hussein actually opposed them in all of his debates during his campaign. Hmmmm....I'm no Sherlock Holmes here, but I think what our president is doing completely contradicts what he said he was going to do.
If Obama proclaimed in his running that he would spend over a TRILLION dollars in his first 6 weeks in office, do you think he would have been elected? I don't know, maybe I am just naive. But it seems to me that the worst thing to do during this time is see if we can break the spending record.
How dare you say that about Obama? He's our countries savior. He represents everything good about our country. He's not just another politician he's genuine. He has an honest smile. ha ha ha ha