Think about it...Just $8.99 a month and ten minutes a day, you could be ripped like this dude. We will even toss in his hair and sneakers for you too. He went from looking like John Candy to Arnold in less than a month.
I hate seeing "quick fix-it" type crap. If you don't know, I have been looking for a better job for some time now. One of the sites I have been religiously visiting is Career Builder. They do have good intentions, and bless their little hearts, but, are you serious! According to these guys, I can work from my home in my underwear and make $275,000 a year without having any background experience whatsoever. I think this one might even be worse than the bow flex.
Do you ever see these stupid commercials for weight loss pills? What the heck are these people thinking! Yeah..."Take this pill three time a day for a month. And if you don't lose 25 lbs, we will refund your money." Usually people relate losing weight to exercising, jogging, lifting weights, and eating healthy. It all pretty much boils down to being HEALTHY. I bet these pills that help you lose 25 lbs in one month without lifting a finger and eating pizza all day is really healthy??? They probably just raise your heart rate by 1000% and force you not too eat anything because you always feel like you just drank 3 pots of coffee.
You know the dude with the beard that does the Oxy Clean infomercials? Everybody knows who he is. Almost everything he advertises makes the alternative look as though only a brain surgeon could figure it out. You know what I mean... Take zip lock bags for example. If you buy these special, taste savoring bags from the bearded dude, life will be easy, enjoyable, and your make-up will be beautiful. But if you stick with what you have been using the past 5 years, your life will be in black and white, everything will get tangled, and you will never be able to accomplish anything! These are my favorite of the quick fixes.
I do love duct tape though.
please don't post pictures of me and crop the head.