At the cross is where you called for me. You drew me gently to my knees. I was so lost in so many different directions. Now I am just lost in love, simply broken with a holy surrender...
-These are not the words of my own. I did alter them just a bit, but they belong to a Christian artist.
A Marine Corps standard is to never surrender under any circumstances. The military issue M16 rifle has a small compartment located in the butt stock. (The butt stock is the part that goes firmly into your shoulder.) This is where the cleaning gear and utensils are located. But many don't know that Marines keep more than just brushes and oil in this little kuby hole. Most Marines will Carry one extra round in this small compartment just big enough to fit maybe 4 toothbrushes. But what is this single round for?
Never surrender! If your in a cat fight, surrounded, and have no way out...keep fighting. Even up until your final round. And if you run out of ammunition while fending off the enemy, use that final round to take your life. Never let the enemy have it! Though all Marines do not follow this tradition, every Marine holds a strong value of never surrendering.
Well, don't live your life in a Marine sense of mind. At least not in the "no surrender" mode. Christ happily accepted a brutal murder simply just to have a relationship with us. And to do so, we need to surrender our ways of life and live according to his will. This does not mean living a perfect life and never doing something stupid. That's impossible! If you haven't experienced it, surrendering to Christ feels so good. It's almost as if you have been released of something..Weight taken off your shoulders, burdens dropped, insecurities let go, and promises made.
Surrender you life. We have already been forgiven. Christ is standing at the door of you heart just waiting for a relationship. Talk to him. Invite the Lord in for a conversation. I have problems in my life, so does the most righteous pastor in the world. But we all need forgiveness.
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