Some of the random things that happen in your ordinary day to day life can test your last nerve. These are some of mine.
10: Stepping in a puddle of water after putting on a fresh pair of socks.
9: Trying to fold the stupid bed sheet that has that darn alastic in it. I always just ball it up.
8: Pimples and dry skin.
7: Sun burns on vacation.
6: Not packing enough underwear when I go out of town.
5: Unclogging other peoples dump.
4: Filling up my gas tank and see the prices drop by 18 cents the next day.
3: Driving to Blockbuster to return a movie and not realizing the dvd case is emty until you get
2: Taping a sports event because of a conflicting schedule, and having someone tell you the
outcome just as you are sitting down to watch.
1. Seeing a spider crawling on my bed just as I am turning in.
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