Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Books-R- Us

I said to Laura yesterday, "too bad you don't have a locker to stop at in between periods." Classes such as organic and biochemistry, pharmaceutical math, and diagnostic nursing make me want to take a nap.
Laura started her second semester of nursing school yesterday at Good Samaritan Hospital. I know she definitely has the intelligence to overcome these difficult classes and rigorous schedules, but this tower of terminology frightens me.
It will be a long haul for the both of us. But we are willing to accept this high endurance challenge from Old Spice. They even offer up to 25% higher performing odor protection!

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About Me

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Who am I? What do I enjoy doing? And what stage of my life am I in? I don't have an answer to these questions. My goal is for you construct your own opinion of who you think I am through your own observations. Another intention of mine is to reach out to others and help them do something that is difficult. Look at their life and make an assessment. Do we like what we see? Have I made a difference in another persons life? And so on....