Hank is so funny. For some oddball reason, he goes crazy at the site of any broom or shovel. He immediately crouches down at first glimpse and goes into play mode. So instead of a shoveling the driveway for 35 minutes and coming into my hot cocoa, I was forced to chase the prankster around the yard like I was starring in Rocky 4.
I couldn't resist taking a few shots of the action to show our backyard fun and beauty. But like I always do, I got hungry. There was warm stew, ham sandwiches, and pickles with my name written all over em'. I just wish I would have splurged the extra 90 cents to buy the Clausens. They taste way better than the Kroger kind. Oh well...
I don't have a dog but I do have a 45 of Vanilla Ice singing Ice Ice Baby