1. The state or quality of being significant: see synonyms at Importance.
2. A meaning that is expressed.
3. A covert or implied meaning.
Why did I graduate from The Ohio State University with a degree in history? And why do I want to teach high school history? Easy. I love, love, love history. To read and understand how our country and civilization has evolved over thousands of years is so fascinating to me.
-In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue and forever changed world civilizations.
-On June 6th, 1944 Dwight D. Eisenhower led a massive assault on the Normandy beaches in hopes to crush the Nazi regime.
-On July 20th, 1969 Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin opened a new door for science and what our solar system has to offer.
So many dates, so many significant times and places in our history that affect our daily life. But instead of focusing on something like World War Two and the Allied invasion, I would like to mention an extremely significant date in my time.
January 20th, 1979....
This was the day in which my older brother Joseph T. Massey was extracted from the womb of Kim E. Reihl (my Mom.) I would hate to even fathom of what life would be like without an older brother like Joe. Playing sports and riding bikes when we were kids, pretending to be pro wrestlers and jumping off the top bunks, snow boarding, sanding floors together, rough times in Iraq, best men in each others wedding, ect..ect..ect.. Mr. Webster should have put a picture of Joe in his dictionary next to the definition of significant.
January 20th, 2008....
The day Christ made his call to Nana. The thought of not having my Nana around still makes me sad. But thank God there is a quick fix for my sadness. All I have need to do is realize she is never gone and think of my time with her and how she and my Pop have had such a tremendous impact on my life. Collecting sea shells and skipping stones, playing nine holes at Otis, walking around Great Harbors, singing Christmas carols, witnessing a true level of commitment, ect..ect...
When I see people wearing hats or t-shirts with the logo "life is good" I smile to myself and utter "It sure is."
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